Friday, June 5, 2009

Go Straight, Turn Gay

The road to life has many twists and turns.  When you are gay, they are more so sashays than they are twists, but hey, it makes life a bit more fun that way.

A little "Hey, Girl, Hey" every now and again never hurts anybody.  At worst it makes a few surrounding military men a little uneasy in their seats but so what?  

As much good as the gay population may or may not offer the greater likes of society I can't help but be more turned off by the bad, than I could be enlightened by the good.  Gay people suck, for the most part.  Once you really get to know them.  They are selfish and hateful.  As much as they seem to be asking the societal "norm" for love, acceptance, and judicial change, they really need to start within themselves to begin with.  And this is only a start.  Changing your internal affect is the foundation of the start to building up the big House of Gay.  

It hasn't always been this way.  For a while we were off and running.  Pioneers began our journey.  The likes of Rupaul, Elton John, George Michael, Madonna, and Harvey Milk to name a few.  We secretly muscled our way into the hearts of America, but once we got there it was a quick turn for the worse on our downward spiral.  

Even in the "short" (in comparison to my gay forefathers) time that I have been out I have seen much change from within my own subculture.  We are becoming reclusive and un-uniformed.  We are not in it to win it for the greater good of our ENTIRE group.  We have segmented off from one another with Gay Bears, Twinks, and Muscle Circuit "Boys" (granted they are 30-45 years old and only RECENTLY gotten the bodies they have always wanted).  If you didn't know any better, as a group divided, we sound like a run of Saturday morning cartoons!

In the 70's and 80's I am amazed at how loud our voice was, yet our groups were so small.  Nowadays it has changed.  Large groups, small voices.  We have all come WAY out of the closet but now what are we doing about it?  We are fighting for our right to party and yet we are going about it all wrong.  

Our subculture was built upon a foundation of lies, secrets, and promiscuous (and unprotected) sex.  That is just the cold, hard truth.  For centuries our culture has built their lives around the idea of sneaking around behind someone else's back.  Whether that person was your boss, your parents, or your wife, everyone did it.  So it is no surprise to me when in today's society our gay forefathers that grew up with this way of thinking are now teaching the younger gays all of their bad habits.  The secret is a thrill, and it brings to us much pleasure.  If we are not the seeker then we become the one being sought.  In turn we pass these habits on to the next guy and the next, until it becomes one endless battle.  Who will win?  They bad gay habits from the yesteryears or the new frontier of where the gay community would be best served?

All this talk about laws makes me sick.  I have found my place in a state that does recognize gay marriage.  What strikes me about this is that there is still endless amounts of infidelity among the LEGALLY married gay couples I have seen.  

It is disheartening when I realize things like these because finding out that I could get legally married in the current state I live in had really made me feel hopeful all over again.  Now that the only guys that seem to hit on my are in relationships (most of which that ARE actually bound by law), this little fact begins to loose its luster.  What is the point in getting married if I will have to worry about him cheating on me?  What is the point in getting in a relationship if at some point he will ask me if we can be "Open" (Non-sexual committed)?  All hope is lost when you realize that the goal that you are seeking doesn't hold as much power as you had originally intended for it to have.  

I posted a note on my facebook page that was something along the lines of:

"If gay people can't seem to figure out how to be married WITHOUT a law, why should they be allowed to WITH one? Put that in your pipe and smoke it! (The same goes for straighties too)

It was interesting to see that all of my straight friends seemed to really like it.  They were friends of the gays, I know that they are all comfortable with the "community".  They ones that really were bothered were these two silly queens that I USED to be friends with but realized that they were so sterotypically gay (and awful) that I just needed them out of my life.  One left a comment saying that I was "sterotyping my own community, and should not do that" then went on to mention "not all gay people are promiscuous and opposed to monogamy"  It was funny because the two that left comments were leaving them while they were on vacation at Gay Disney.  Historically when they close off Disney for the Gays, it is common knowledge that the only reason to go is because everyone is so horny that you can just have sex with anyone.   If you had to prove it wrong, just think, I mean, really?  How many times CAN you ride space mountain before it gets old?

So it was ironic to me that these two silly queens were the only ones really upset by this.  The other one that commented goes from boy to boy and lies to them to lead them on and make them think that he would have the audacity to actually settle down with them.  He makes each of them believe that they are the special guy that could actually make it happen, all the while laughing about how he had three at the same time he is currently talking to.  He does this in an attempt to appease his own insecurities and in doing so his character comes across quite accurately, which is clearly pathetic.

These two silly-fucks represent the greater gay population.  A large group of people who are saying out loud what they would LIKE for their goal to be ("We want to legally marry") because it sounds like a good idea, yet all the while they are host to events such as Gay Disney, they are taking their shirts off at night clubs, they are hating one another, and they are cheating on their lovers, friends, and their brothers-in-arms.  If they really wanted to be taken seriously they would work harder on their own relationships and they would realize that "Marriage" is more than legal recognition.  REALY marriage, whether it is recognized by the state or anybody else for that matter is when two people COMMIT to LOVE and CARE for one another.  They make a COMMITMENT to SUPPORT one another ENDLESSLY.  They COMMIT to the idea of TOUGHING IT OUT through the hard times, as opposed to saying "lets sleep together at night but fuck other people on the side".  REAL MARRIAGE is when they realize that they don't need the other people that are out there.  That is the only time that TWO people become ONE and as a result MARRIAGE is what can be born out of this realization.

On the road to life it is important to not lose focus, always carry a map, and if you happen to get lost, just remember these simple directions...go straight, turn gay ;-)

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