Monday, June 15, 2009

Another Bill Bites the Dust...

Rat Race.  That is all this fucking is.  Being a grown up sure isn't what it is cracked up to be.  It seems like my stomach settles every time I send off another bill only to be upset again when the next one arrives.  It is scary living from paycheck to paycheck.  It is hard not to cave and ask dad for more money.  But I did it.  At least for this round of bills.  

I am in a very different place in life than I was in 2007.  That was my glory year.  That was the year that I was really succeeding at work and really getting paid for it by way of bonuses.  

This year.  Not so much.

It is not that I am NOT succeeding, because in my opinion, I definitely am.  This year (and last year) are different because they have set things up differently for me, to say the least, and so I am working without bonus.  A VERY IMPORTANT LIFE LESSON;  
Working without a bonus = NOT FUN!

I have friend that manages to put away $1000 a month of his paycheck.  I don't know how he does it.  Then again, there was a point in my life when I had another friend that was trying to help me figure out how to budget "enough" money to move out of my parents house.  When she asked me what my most recent check was it was close to being what she made for an entire month.  She freaked out at me saying "I just don't know how I would be able to afford it," when she herself owned a condo and had just bought a new car, on top of having (what I consider) a ton of money in savings and mutual funds etc.  So I am at that point again.  It is do or die.  Do I suck it up and figure out how to put this money aside?  Sink or swim.

I can't say that it helps working in a retail setting.  This only leaves me wanting more.  At any given point I could walk the store and pick out things I wanted to buy.  What is worse is that even after I did buy all of them there would still be a great many things left that I was still wanting.

Want is a dangerous thing.

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