Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Roommate Brought all the Boys to the Yard

I had a roommate.  Not my current one.  The one from last year.  She was awful.  

Moving here was an experience in and of itself; so when a roommate opportunity arose from the pool of managers that I work with I jumped at it.  She seemed alright at first, fun, flirty, long model legs and whatnot.  They always seem right  from the start.  As the days counted down leading up to the move-in I repeatedly asked her if she would be able to afford it.  "Not to worry," she would tell me.  At that point our friendship was just a bud and I believed her.  The uneasiness came when she was not the brightest at the difference in the information she told her roommate from the information that she told her friend.  The problem being that the two were synonomous.  I was a friend, but now we were embarking on another journey down the road towards roommate hell.  

She lived in my apartment for a total of three months.  Out of the three months she was late with her rent every single time, and paid it in FULL only ONCE!  Most of the payments she gave to me in installments.  This was awful.  "I have to make my car payment this week so they don't reposes my car, blah blah, and so on..."

Despite the financial agreement, or lack thereof, between us, we began to grow close.  It was hard for me to move to a place where I knew NO ONE and try my hardest to trust ANY ONE.  So with this girl, I thought I could.  We shared conversations with one another about our childhoods, being made fun of and blossoming later in life.  We confided in one another about our deepest thoughts and fears, and a trust began to form.  There was one night in particular, it was one of the very last before the news, when we decided to have a special roommates night out on the town with one another.  I remember that the weather was warm that night and we sat on a brick wall right outside of Copley Mall after a long night of talking and walking about the city.  We confessed our growing love for one another as friends, yet secretly I always felt like this relationship was on the brink of disaster.  

She went away one weekend, with her ex boyfriend who hit and verbally abused her before they had originally broken up.  (Let the record show that this was NOT the main reason, or any reason for that matter why they had broken up to begin with).  Throughout their 3-4 month break up she slept with pretty much every single guy that she met.  She made me feel much better about my own behavior because this was what a slut truly was.  Her pathetic ex-boyfriend pursued her aggressively throughout those 3-4 months.  He would call.  He would email.  He sent her flowers while she was at work.  I tried to encourage her to be strong but before I knew it she was smiling at his phone calls once again.  He invited her to go away with him to NYC for the weekend and she asked if I could be at the apartment to show her couches that she had posted on Craigslist.  It was no big deal to me, plus she had mentioned that the money would be used to pay for her portion of rent.  So I figured it was in my best interest to help out.  

When the Craig's Listers arrived they immediately asked me where my roommate was moving.  I was flabbergasted and on the spot said, "Oh, just right up the street."  

I had no clue that she had thought about moving.  She had not mentioned anything to me about doing so.  We had talked about how neither of us had any money.  We had talked about how scary it was to be grown adults that could not support themselves.  The difference was that I survived the year.  She did not.  She gave up.  

After they left I sent my roommate a txt asking where she was moving.

"Chicago"  was her reply.

I asked if she had told anybody at work yet.

"Why?" was her reply.

I was over it.  

The next night on her way back from NYC she mentioned to me that she would need for me to let her in because she left her apartment key in the car of the guy that she had been fucking the week before her pathetic ex-boyfriend picked her up to go away.  She said she would get in around 11pm but as the time passed it turned out to be 2am.  

I stayed up instead of attempting to fall asleep, wake up, and let them in and then try to get back to bed.  She was smiling, smirking and giggling when I let them in the building.  I was over her.

The next morning I showered and left before she had time to confirm that I was giving her a ride to work.  I knew that she didn't have her car and we had an event at work that we had to be there for and I purposefully did not want to help her in any way.  When she finally arrived at work she paged me and asked if she could talk to me.  Then she made a big production of her story about how this pathetic boyfriend had come crawling back.  In three months he had changed from the angry and abusive control freak into the kind of man she had always wanted.  I guess when you are out and about fucking the entire world it is harder to speak up for yourself when you ought to realize that you deserve better.  

She told me that she would sell the rest of her furniture and give the money to me to help me with rent.  She did no such thing.  Instead she gave me the number of that guy she had been fucking and told me to work it out with him.  When I contacted him about it he told me that she owed him $150 for the moving van that he had used to move it out of her old apartment and that he would not give it to me until he got his money.  Not only did she fuck me over this way, but had also rented a movie with my Hollywood Video account to watch with that guy and after asking and asking over and over if she had taken it back or not, I found out while in the checkout line and they told me I owed them $50.  

The biggest fuck-over of all in the situation is that she left one week before August rent was due not giving me any money to help me out.  When she told me that she was leaving the ONLY thing I asked of her was to have her furniture out of that guys place and into my own apartment so that I could easily sell it.  She couldn't even manage to do that, on top of fucking me over in more ways than one.  

If all this wasn't bad enough.  And as if we couldn't just move on from it and acknowledge that the whole situation just sucked one big giant dick, she insisted on texting and calling me for the next few weeks saying "I miss you" "Just arrived in NC" "Hope you are doing okay".  After I ignored all of these and never returned any of her phone calls she sends me this 6 txt screen long txt saying that she can't believe that I would end our "friendship" over money.  

I didn't reply to that one either.  

The great thing about moving to a place where you have no having no connections.  When stupid fucks like this come into your life and try to bring you down you can get rid of them on a whim.  

I would like to walk away from it saying that I learned a valuable lesson but truth be told, I hated the person I was when I was around her.  I started smoking again, I went out more often than I wanted to, and I wasn't the type of employee that I pride myself on being at work at the time.  She was an awful influence and that is why she got cut loose.  One of the last nights in the apartment together, after I had received the bad news and knew exactly what was coming, she came home with a bag from CVS.  She took out one of her purchases and it was a bottle of Pre-Natal vitamins.  I asked if she was pregnant and she said that she didn't know yet.  

All in all, who knows who the father is.  I hope the baby doesn't have to look up to two pathetic role models, instead of just the one.

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