It is sad too. I am quite attractive. Even if the only people who tell me so are my mother and the desperate and lonely (single) girls I have decided to surround myself with.
I think I am going to give up. You know. Not just give up on life, or trying to seek happiness. But Give up. The way they say that is when you are supposed to actually find somebody. When you are not looking.
I was at the movies the other night and a preview for a new romantic comedy came on. Boy sees girl. Girl smiles back at boy. Instant Love connection.
My friend Steve leaned over and whispered "wouldn't it be nice if it was just that simple?" I said "Yeah, That movie SUCKS".
It was true. I feel like there was a time when flirting and dating WAS that simple. My early twenties. It is scary to think that I have finally reached the age to which all of my adolescent years will now be referred to in sections of mistakes and mishaps instead of just as one giant blur.
I did not think that I would find him in Charlotte, North Carolina. I really didn't ever think it would happen there. I know I have only been here in Boston for a year but I just want dates to happen. I don't want to get sucked into a "settle slump" where I go on dates with guys that I had originally turned down before, just for the sake of being lonely (and cold). I tried to do this one time and titled it "Giving people a chance". My best friend, Adair said that I was full of shit and that all that meant was "Lowering my Standards". She was right. I didn't do it then. I don't feel like doing it now.
It was Madonna that once said "Don't Go for Second Best, baby, Put your Love to the Test!"
When you try to abide by a standard such as this one, it is best to remember, especially in the winter, that "satin sheets are very romantic, what happens when you're not in bed!"
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