Thursday, September 10, 2009

Too Shy, Shy

People here don't approach one another in social settings. No wonder they get nicknamed "Massholes". Although it is tough to meet people when you go out on the town I have been lucky enough to meet two INCREDIBLE buddies, Mike and Rich. I consider myself quite blessed to have actually met worthwhile friends in the year and a half that I have been here. These guys are friends for life, I can already tell. But I don't pride myself on breaking through the shell of the locals, since neither of the two are originally from the area.

Whether you are looking to date, or just looking for new friends, Boston proves to be a tough cookie to take a bite of.

My friend Curtis was in town this past weekend, visiting from Atlanta. We have been buddies for quite some time now as well. I'm sure he would agree to tell you that we never really imagined that we would have proven to be friends this long, but when it is all said and done, Curtis is just good people.

Hush, Hush...

While doing a bit of bar-hoppin' throughout the weekend Curtis proved my theories correct. Nobody talks to one another. While we were standing around in this one bar this guy leans over and begins a conversation with me. He is in a circle of friends yet never introduces us to the rest of the group, although I made it a point to introduce him to Curtis. Socially Retarded much? With Massholes like this one how on earth are we to find new folks of which to chat it up?

While we were talking to this new found friend (?) another guy walked past. He was handsome. Had beautiful eyes, and he glanced to the side and gave me a smirk. A wave of heat rushed over my body as I was taken by surprise from this one tiny little gesture. Flirtation just does not happen that easily in New England, and when it does, it is rarely from individuals that would be considered that of the Sexykind.

Eye to Eye...

He walked past me, then made his way to the door. He looked back and we caught eyes once again before he made his exit.

Well, Shit.

What an awful thing to do; walk past and give me hope and then swipe a rug out from underneath me. How awful is that?

Then his friend caught a glimpse of someone he knew. Much to my delight they doubled back, giving Sexykind another chance to give face to me one more time. We flirted from afar. Smiling, smirking, and looking away. This was dumb, and I longed for a place where grown men could act just so. What was with this casual flirtation and yet no delivery of action? Why is it that at straight bars guys have no problem hitting on girls that DON'T flirt with them yet when it is TWO GUYS you would imagine that primal urge to be more overpowering and yet suddenly we are just a couple of little school girls? This just can't be right.

I pushed the idea of him from my mind after they left the bar that we were at. I figured, "why bother?" when I will never see him again, and if I do run into him more than likely will find out truths such as what his boyfriend looks like or even worse, his wife!

As we finished up our beers we decided to make our way to "Dick's Last Resort" so to speak. In Boston there is this seedy bar called "The Eagle" where guys make their way at the end of a "defeated" night in hopes to claim one last trophy to take home. Curtis and I went because it was one of the only bars in town that weekend that was not charging us a cover and me and him are thrifty when it comes to a few nickels and dimes.

When we walked in I headed straight for the bar and Curtis made a b-line for the bathroom. Before I could get his attention to ask "What do you want to drink?" he was already to the door, and when my eyes lowered from calling out to my friend they had rendezvous with Sexykind's halfway. He was sitting on a stool across from the bar and gave me no time for recovery before beginning his smirks. I turned away to gather thoughts and deliver an action plan while collecting my beer at the bar. I gave my self a wink and a nudge and turned around and walked straight up to his arena. "Hey, how are you?" I asked, and the "enlightening" flirtations began. He introduced me to his friend and said that they had been drinking all day long. We smiled and winked and smirked throughout but at the least we were actually talking to one another. I gathered that we were enjoying one another's company so I suggested an exchange of numbers. Plus, his friend was being whiney and should have been wearing a shirt that said "Cockblock". I was not amused.

I am still finding out that in this city of grown men that I am, by far, a MAN among men. I have always been the one to approach and for some reason it bothers me so much. It makes me feel like I am trying to hard, especially when they don't call or txt back right away from my advances. It makes me mad when I go out on to a limb only to feel like I am swinging from a tree like some stupid-assed monkey.

You guys are just too shy, shy, hush, hush, eye to eye.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks buddy! Right back at ya!