I have none of it. I had a roommate move in and am barely going to squeak out of the water of drowning in my own debt that is funneling in on top of my head. I think that mid to late December it will take a turn. Hopefully retail sales will pick up and I will be able to generate some commission out of this slowly dying economy.
Thanks to those naysayers like Suze Orman (Go eat a carpet) there has been little to no business for me lately. I need it. Badly.
It doesn't help that I feel the need to spend what money I do have. I can't help it. I was raised this way. I was raised on a basis of want now, get now. If I wanted a CD I bought it. If I wanted a CD player and speakers for my car, I got it. I got. Everything I ever wanted. When I look back. I can admit that I was spoiled. I would personally not refer to myself as a spoiled "brat" but I guess in some circles, that is how I would be known. Now that I am turning 27 it is finally time to get the silver spoon out of my mouth and make a name for myself.
Whoever said growing up was fun OBVIOUSLY still lived in their parents' house.
Growing up is for the BIRDS.
B-I- IRDS!!!
When I finally pay all my bills. I take one deep breath and then they start to show up again. I don't even get a chance to exhale. It seems like there is always some bill out there nagging me. "Pay me this month!" "I'm Late" "I have interest" "Late Charge added". Geez. Give me a break already would you?
With all this talk of a bailout I can't help but think that the BEST idea for a bailout would be that all credit cards declare bankruptcy. Or whatever they would have to claim in order to just bailout all of their customers. ELIMINATE ALL DEBT! Just stop it. All together. Maybe freeze debt. No more interest. No more late fees. Freeze Debt for a year. Don't allow more credit. But freeze Debt. And Credit. Then we will wait a year. Work. Make more money. We will learn how to buy things with cash. You know. The old fashioned way where you save the money. Budget. Then Get. Paid immediately. All Money Down. Debt Free.
This is my solution. It's pretty impressive if you ask me.
Then again. Nobody asked me.
It is so interesting to me that a year ago I had paid all my bills and had $20 dollars left in the bank to last for a week, but it was only because I had purchased jeans that cost $300 at the time. Now the jeans don't fit because I took a promotion to move to another city. A promotion that pays Less (equivalently to where I was before). A promotion that has opened my eyes to such GRAND opportunities such as eviction threats, late payments, Over $700 in overdraft fees, another credit card that is now $500 over limit, and many other little nuggets of life that I never thought I would see the day when they had occured in my own life. I guess THAT is what growing up looks like.
It looks this way because you still talk to your parents. And even though you feel like you are growing closer and closer to them, your lies get worse and worse so that they don't for one second think that you need their help. This is what it looks like to BE and adult.
Faking your way through your parents hallways. In order to get out of their house altogether.
There's no place like home.
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