Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Steps

I deleted my Manhunt account.  I also deleted the one I have on Adam4Adam.  Those of you who know me will understand why it was important for me to delete profiles from these sites in order to better myself and move on with my life.  

I have spent way to many hours online looking for the "next best thing".  It is never an overall productive habit and often leads to wasting most of my otherwise constructive time.  Take now, for instance.  Now I am able to write one more blog because when I went to log-in to my Manhunt account I tried three times before realizing that Customer Service had obviously received the email I sent two hours ago and completed my request to delete my account.  

Sometimes I feel guilty when, on a whim I delete the account altogether, but this time I felt good about it.  I checked the account and found that it would expire on this coming Saturday anyway and it would have actually rebilled me $30 (that I don't have) to renew my membership, yeah, I was a subscribed member.

So I am happy with my decision.  No worries on your end though, when I breakdown and create a new profile and a new account to start up my Manhunt addiction once again, you will be one of the first to know...

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