Monday, February 9, 2009

He's Just NOT that Into Me

I went out this past weekend.  I ended up at Roxy, of course.

It was fun.  I didn't bother calling Steve.  He would make me wait until midnight to return my call anyway so I managed to go at it alone.  My friend Rory wanted me to meet her at a place, called...The Place, but by the time I was ready to head out, it was pretty late in the night.  

So I ended up at Fritz for a start.  I had a drink with myself.  I attempted to enjoy the scenery.  There was not much to be seen and then Paco showed up.  It is nice to see familiar faces every now and then, especially when there is no one in sight to flirt with or make eyes at from across the room.  We ordered another round and then headed to Roxy together.  We both took turns bitching about Steve not returning phone calls and then Paco got a call and found out that Steve had already had too much to drink.  Needless to say we knew there was no point searching for him that night.  

At Roxy I mostly galavanted around the arena on my own.  I tried to make flirty eyes at certain guys but nothing really took.  This one guy in particular seemed to keep "bumping into me" in the bathroom.  On the third occasion he followed right behind me as I left and when I looked back at him I let out a laugh.  I thought it was funny.  This whole tribal mating ritual of sorts.  Show off in the bathroom.  Indicate obvious intent.  But then stay mute for the remainder of your opportunity.  

"Why are you laughing at me?" he asked.  I told him that I was not laughing AT HIM, but I was laughing WITH HIM.  This was one of the many AWFUL attempts on my part to be flirtatious.  I do this often, since I am a bitch at heart, I feel, on my end, that I am being flirtatious, when often times I come across overconfident and overly assertive.  When the truth of the matter is that I am just nervous and talk to make the time pass.

He went on to tell me how hot and sexy he thought I was.  He said he could not stand it.  Then he pushed me against the wall and began to kiss me.  We took turns feeling each other up, and for the sake of censorship, I will just say we made it to Second (and a half) base.  I asked if he wanted to come over but he looked disappointed when he told me that he had driven his friends that night and would have to take them home.  I asked if he would want to hang out some other time and he enthusiastically said "YES!"  I asked for his number.  He gave it to me.  I read it back to him to confirm the number, and he affirmed "Yes, Yes, Yes," while nodding.  We kissed and parted ways.

On my way home I sent him a txt that said "You are so damn sexy...this is Justin".

No response.  

I figured that he was with his friends or that he was possibly already home asleep.  

The next morning I woke up and txt him a simple "whats up?"  

The reply said "What's up? you, sexy!"

So I decided instead of the txting back and forth I would give him a call to see if he was free to hang out and when I did the answering machine said, "Hello, this is Kate, leave a message!".

His name was Matt.  Not Kate.

So you can imagine my disappointment when I first thought that it was his girlfriends cellphone (or worse yet his mothers), then realized that more than likely he just gave me the wrong number on purpose.  

This guy was great.  In usual fashion I tend to throw myself on guys that are only mildly attracted to me in return.  This guy however, practically threw himself on me, and I definitely found him attractive.  His clothes were too baggy to tell, but after passing first base, I realized that he had everything I would be looking for (yeah, that too).  On top of all of this, he was MY AGE!  This was finally a guy who was attracted to me who's diapers I would not have to change!

I felt enlivened that I had finally met an ATTRACTIVE guy MY AGE that was interested in me FIRST!  

Then I got the wrong number.  I will have to wait to see if we run into each other again.  To find out if it was on accident or if he meant it to be wrong.  

Then after that guy left, I saw a really hot guy in line for the coat check, I had seen him earlier in the night.  Really built up dude, with tats all down his arms (not my choice of style, but i'll take it at 2pm).  He had a hat pulled low and to the side, and scruff across his face.  He was rugged and hot, the kind of stuff, that mechanics are made out of.  I wasn't even paying attention to him until I noticed that he kept looking at me in the midst of checking his txt messages.  On his third glance in my direction I said, "Hey, hows it going?"

He laughed.  A bit embarrassed.  And said, "Sorry, I was just checking you out".

After this it is a total blur.  Back to normal since bathroom guy.  I fumbled on it.  Did not act on it.  We exchanged names and then I dropped the ball.  This guy just verbally told me that he was checking me out and my balls just dropped out of my pants and on to the floor.  

WTF is my problem that I can't acknowledge when a guy actually finds me attractive?

In the end I wasn't that bothered by it.  I really don't get into tattoos, especially full sleeves of them.  They are very Metro, very Cheesy, and a little too Jersey Shore for my taste.

Besides, I was just NOT that in to him.

1 comment:

Jennifer Chwalek said... are so talented. I enjoy your stories. I laugh out loud at my computer...and think to my self...I love that Justin Tucker.