Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mismatched Attached

I don't get it.  I really just don't get it.  I feel like when I look around, all I see is mismatched couples.  Straight or Gay.  Of course I focus on the gay ones to get upset with for myself, but it still kills me that there are straight ones as well.  I see the most handsome guys walk into our store, and their girlfriends are awful looking.  Aside from not being naturally beautiful to compliment their handsome male counterparts, these guys have chosen to be with girls that just don't take care of themselves and flat out look like shit.  They aren't wearing sexy outfits, or even clothes that flatter them AT ALL, and they don't keep up their appearance by way of proper makeup application or hair styling.  

Now on to the gays.  It is weird for me to have been single for my entire life.  I have never dated anyone.  Well.  Longer than a month so technically that means I have never dated anyone.  I am a really attractive guy.  The only reason I know is because my friends have had to convince me of this, and they are tired of explaining it to me, and quite frankly I am also tired of listening.  I don't want to have people tell me I am attractive, I want someone to FIND me attractive.  

Its hard when you see couples where one guy is really hot, really great body, handsome face, and great personality, and then he is PARTNERED (not just DATING) an extremely fat, or an extremely skinny guy that has no attractive qualities about him.  Typically in a  mismatched pair it is almost as if it is a symbiotic need being met by the lesser looking of the two.  This seemingly innocent person has no self confidence and is in constant fear that his boyfriend will leave him for something better at any moment.  It is as if the attractive one feeds off of this knowledge and uses it to his advantage.  It makes him more confident.  Not only is he attractive but he is showing to the world that he can hold a relationship.  No matter how broken down the bond is between the two on a deeper level.  In the gay world, isn't it just the surface that really counts anyhow?

I see it all the time.  These kinds of pairs.  On hunches I take guesses and on most occasions I am right.  The attractive one is always cheating.  As I mentioned before, the surface seems to count the most.  So on this attractive male's resume of Love he has the "Committed Relationship" box checked off.  All the while, behind his boyfriend's back, he is flirting with EVERYBODY and exchanging numbers.  He spends his days txting flirtatiously with other men while chatting with them online as well, before abruptly interrupting to say "I have to go, my bf just got home" and signing off without responding to final emails. 

It is truly disheartening to think of what it is that I would be aspiring to.  Am I longing for a relationship that just isn't a real relationship?  What is the purpose of seeking after someone to date or settle down with if we will just be going through the motions and not letting our actions speak louder than our words?

It also bugs me to think about if I would be the attractive one or the less than guy.  I mean of course initially I think that I am attractive, so does that mean that I need to start looking for an ugly guy to date?  Are Mismatched pairs the only way to go these days?

And on the other hand, I don't want to be the less than guy by any means!  I would love to find someone who I found devastatingly attractive but I would hate for them to be so hot that I had to worry every time he went to the bathroom alone whether or not he was planning on making a run for it and leaving me for someone hotter and younger.

It's a dog eat dog world.

Bow wow wow, yippie yo, yippie, yay...BITCH!

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