Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today is the Greatest

Or Not.  I didn't do anything at all today.  I went out last night and wore myself out.  I started the night pacing myself and being happy that I wasn't planning on drinking that much.  I ended the night by drinking too much.  I met a few dudes.  But at least this night of nights I was happy and content with myself.  Everyone seemed like such a joke.  

Once you get in your mind the idea of abandoning all forms of restriction, like when you think about what it would be like to just up and leave tomorrow, you have a better sense of self.  Maybe rather, no sense of self at all?  I don't know.  Either way I spent the better part of the night in a great mood.  Steve didn't leave me and I didn't leave him (for the most part).  It was good to see him after not seeing him since New Years Eve.  I went up to the bartender, Rob, that I had thought I caused a scene with that night.  He acted like it was no big deal.  I told him how worried I was and he said it never happened.  I said it did.  I'm always right.

I met this big black dude.  I saw him walking across the dancefloor and I sought him out.  "You're a really big dude" I told him.  Sometimes you have to say something stupid to break the ice.  I asked how much he weighed and he said 270.  Geez...I wanted every pound in my bed!

But I played it cool and tried to figure him out.  As it turned out we had a mutual acquaintance walk up to us.  Later on that mutual person pushed us together and tried to hint to him that I would be a good match for him.  I liked that.  I really enjoy it when other people do all the work.  It takes the stress of meeting and greeting out of the mix altogether.  

He gave me his number.  He offered I didn't ask.  Then he ran off but luckily I managed to get the number along with his name.  It was awkward.  I sent him a txt that night on my way home.  He responded this morning.  He said he would let me know when he came back into town again since he lives in Providence, RI.  I feel like it should happen, I mean to go to all the trouble of giving out a number and an exchange of txt messages should not go to complete waste.  

His first txt to me this morning asked "Did you get a good nights' sleep?"  

I wrote back and told him that it would have been better if he had been in my bed when i woke up this morning.  That was a lie.  I mean, yeah it would be nice to have a cuddle buddy, but last night I was in NO SHAPE for having a guest in my bed!  I fell asleep with my Ugg boots on UNDER the COVERS!  

Man I got some good ass sleep though...

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