Sunday, November 1, 2009

Appalachia and the Hereafter

For my first two years of college I attended Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. If any of you have ever met me your first instinct would be to ask "what on earth led you to attend that school?"

At the time it was a venture to escape and a journey to set myself apart. My older brother had attended NC State and my older sister went to UNC-Chapel Hill. I did not want to follow in anyone of their footsteps. They were both very successful in school. My brother's smarts came naturally to him, he went on to accomplish his PhD in mechanical engineering and is now a professional smarty pants. My sister on the other hand struggled through out high school but made it a point to study hard and develop a strong work ethic through her studies making her very successful at a tough college as well.

And then there was me. I was always somewhere in between the two. Smarts came natural in certain academic efforts and if I had just tried a little harder in my studies I would have been what one would call VERY successful as well. Looking back I know very well that I did not give it my best effort. All of that fault is place upon myself in retrospect. I regretfully should have tried harder and I would be more proud of myself for completing college. Looking back I feel like it was just something that I showed up for and not something that I really put much effort in to and I regret it a lot. So much so that I reminisce about my days in Boone and wish wholeheartedly that I could just do it all over again.

I did not finish out my schooling at Appalachian State however, I transferred to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte which happened to be my Dad's alma mater, purely out of coincidence. Small town life was just not for me. I needed to find 24 hour CVS locations and restaurants that served liquor by the glass. I needed bigger and better.

On quiet days and nights off I miss the "luxuries" of Boone, North Carolina. The mountains and fall foiliage at your fingertips. In a day you could venture up the Blue Ridge parkway and find a little quiet spot and sit on a rock that overlooks all of God's beautiful creation. You can be alone. You can be quiet. You can pray. You can wish. I miss this feeling. This feeling of just you and no one else. In the midst of the most gorgeous mountains and landscaping.

There is also something I miss about being able to roll out of bed and walk into a restaurant like Boone Bagelry and order a Bagelicious on a Spinach Bagel for breakfast.

It is unfortunate that when you get out on your own and begin developing a career you realize that it would NEVER take you back to Boone. What else is going on in Boone? Nothing. That is the beauty and the downfall of the entire town altogether.

I miss it so. I realize that it was necessary to escape to pursue my great endeavors but oh how nice would it be to go back sometime soon.

Dear Happy Appie, I love you.

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